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Supplier Opportunities and Tenders

Our current approach to procurement is outlined below and within our Trust Standing Financial Instructions (SFI) Policy and Procedures in more detail.

Low value purchases

We have an ‘approved supplier’ list, for certain purchases.

Medium value purchases

A clear specification which sets out precise details about the goods or services we require is normally provided for suppliers for quotation purposes. 

Higher value purchases

The approach is often similar to medium value purchases, but written quotes are sought and the approval process is different and the scheme of financial delegation is within our SFI policy.

Purchases above £172,514

We adhere to the EU public sector procurement rules. From time to time the thresholds that these apply to are reviewed and, since 1 January 2014, all schools have had to consider non-education specific goods and services greater than £172,514 (this is the sterling equivalent of the EU threshold). There is a higher threshold of £625,000 for goods and services used solely for the purpose of delivering education. These purchases will appear as tenders and compliant with legislation.

There is a separate higher threshold of £4,322,012 for capital work.

It is a legal requirement to follow the EU directives for contracts above the EU thresholds and we therefore follow the correct procedures, which include:

  • advertising non-specific education contracts in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU);

  • setting time limits for tenders;

  • not discriminating against foreign suppliers;

  • offering debriefing to unsuccessful tenderers;