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Our school’s opening times are 8.00am until 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Outside these times, you will not be able to contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or the Designated Safeguarding Deputies; any messages left will be responded to when we return to school.

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or young person during these times, please contact the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 273 4855 (24-hour service). If you think a child or a young person is in immediate danger, please call the Police on 999 at any time. If you are a child or young person and are worried or feel unsafe, then you can get help from Childline a free, private and confidential service. You can chat online or on the phone, 0800 1111, any time.

Our mission is to provide a safe place to be, with a focus on values of care for, and understanding of, others - their wellbeing; physical, mental and emotional.

We work in mutuality with families and the local community. 


Every school has a school specific safeguarding policy that meets the statutory requirements, including Keeping Children Safe in Education and covers the context of the school. These policies are updated on an annual basis and are checked by the safeguarding lead for the Trust. 

Please visit the school websites to view the individual safeguarding policies: 

Staff Training

All staff and governance colleagues complete safeguarding training in line with requirements. 

Staff Wellbeing

There is a commitment from the Trust and Trustees to ensure that all staff are safeguarded. There are a series of polices in place to ensure this, including: 

  • Lone Working
  • Code of Conduct 
  • Acceptable Use.


We have a named Trustee who has oversight of safeguarding and works closely with the Trust lead for safeguarding. Each school also has a named safeguarding governor who has a school responsibility to ensure all statutory duties and best practice are in place.